Are you looking for an economical home heating system? Consider changing out your old inefficient heating system with a new Energy Star rated appliance. If your heating system is over 20 years old, you may gain from a new home heating and water system.
New technologies include:
- Modulating Gas Boilers
- Modulating Gas Furnaces
- Hybrid Air Sourced Heat Pumps
If you’re looking to upgrade your cooling system in your home or business, consider updating your old R22 refrigerant air conditioner with a state of the art R410 refrigerant system.
This will do many things:
- Lower your energy costs
- Offer greater reliability and comfort
- R22 is very damaging to our environment.
- R410 does not impact the ozone and this will alleviate the impact on global warming.
- If you have an R22 system, the cost to replace the R22 compared to replacing R410 is about 20 times greater or better. Heating your water with a traditional tankless coil with your boiler is the least efficient way to heat your water and your boiler must maintain temperature all year.
Consider changing to:
- Energy Star Gas Instantaneous water heater
- Indirect water heater
- Electric water heater
- Energy Star Hybrid Heat Pump water heater
Superior Energy Solutions
May 8, 2018